Monday, June 23, 2008

We're Hitched!

I can't believe I just got married. We had a really great wedding day and went on our honeymoon to Mexcio. The Honeymoon trip is a posting of its own..ha (oh the crazy language barrier!) We kind of wish we would have just gone on a small trip in the US! Anyway, things are starting to become normal again. I have a house full of gifts that I need to put away, a hair cut to schedule (YAH! FINALLY), and a new kitten to take care of (it was given to us today!). I'm not looking forward to cleaning house and getting everything in order but I guess that is life! I'm going to have to also get use to writing my new name. I went to the bank today and changed my name on the account, as well as joined them together so that's a start. It's just a hard thing to remember since I've had the same last name for 24 years of my life and now its changed! Being away from my family is also hard, even though I'm only 20 minutes away. There are a lot of changes I'm going to have to get use to but they will all come with time. Thank you to everyone that chipped in to make our day special, we couldnt have done it without you! Well I had better get some things done (blah!). I'll write more soon!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Wedding

My wedding is only 38 days away! When we got engaged it seemed like such a far off thing and now it is starting to feel real. It feels like there is so much to do and I'm starting to get anxious about how little time we have to do all those things. I am very excited about being married but the whole wedding thing kind of makes me nervous! (too many people).. Things are coming together on our house also but just not really as fast as I'd hoped (lack of funds will do that I guess!) I think things will start to calm down a little after the wedding, and when he officially starts work (fresh out of college). I have a lot of exciting but scary things ahead of me..with the wedding, getting use to living with a boy (eww), being away from my family and starting a new job all in the same year! It's going to be crazy but that's where I'll see God working I'm sure! Oh the power or prayer!!!

Field Trip

Tomorrow morning both 4th grade classes are heading off to Jefferson city, MO! We are going on a 2 day trip which should be fun, but exhausting! I am not looking forward to the 5 hour bus ride there though! ha! We will be staying in the basement of a church and sleeping on the floor with 31 fourth grade students..woo hoo! :) there are lots of things to see and do once we get there and I will have more details about our trip when I come back!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This is my very first blog posting. I'm still a little unsure as to what I write on here so I wont write much this time. Right now I am sitting at my computer at school waiting on my students to come back from Music. I only have a few weeks left here in this school disctrict and then I will be taking a new job. I am very excited yet nervous about changing jobs however, I know it will be for the best. I only have a few more minutes before my children get back so I had better end this post. Hope everyone has a Fabulous Day!